We're packing our bags! "Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine" is going back on tour for the spring! Our first stops: Cleveland, Laramie, Ogden!
MSIAFOM first screens in competition at the Cleveland International Film Festival on March 29th and 30th. We are honored that Matt's parents Judy and Dennis Shepard will be joining us at the festival and for our post-screening Q&A discussions.
After Cleveland, Director Michele Josue will be taking the film to the Shepard Symposium on Social Justice at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. Honoring the work of the Shepard family and the memory of Matthew, the Shepard Symposium works as a living reminder of the need for information and dialogue about social justice concerns in American and beyond. Needless to say, bringing the film to the Symposium and back to Laramie, where Matt's tragic attack took place, is a hugely emotional milestone for us. We're overwhelmed that we are finally able to share our Matt with the Laramie community. The film will screen at the Symposium on April 3rd. Stay tuned for more details.
Then it's off to Ogden, Utah! Michele heads to Weber State University to present the film on April 7th. This is a very special Kickstarter screening event for our Kickstarter hero Ray Kimber! Ray was invaluable to the success of our 2nd Kickstarter campaign, and we are so happy to be able to share the film with his community.
In mid-April, the film will screen at Napa Valley Community College (April 17th) and San Bernadino Valley College (April 18th).
We'll be sure to blog, tweet, and Facebook about all our adventures. We hope to see you at one of these Spring screenings!
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