Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine

Community and Corporate Screenings

United States corporations, universities, and government agencies have screened Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine for professional development training, diversity conferences, and a multitude of other workplace events. Many of these corporations have elected to keep their copy of the film for future on-site use, allowing Matt’s story to be heard in workshops and seminars all across the country for years to come.

"This film is a must on all levels. Beautifully made, emotionally devastating, and hugely important."

-- Damien Chazelle, Director of Whiplash

"In the film Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine, Matthew's family and friends beautifully and emotionally show the viewer the amazing journey of Matthew's life."

-- Jason Collins, first openly gay NBA player

"What strikes me most about Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine is the balance Michele brought to the project. She fully discloses how much Matt meant to her and how much his murder changed her life and her outlook - and we see her check in with her own reactions and reflections as the story unfolds. Yet she patiently, for years, continues to gather interviews with his loved ones, and his letters, snapshots and journals, and allows Matt himself to tell his own story more than any other journalist, author or lawyer ever did or ever could. It was an honor to be part of an effort to let Matt tell his own story, as best he can, so long after he left us, and then to see it come to life so vividly on screen."

-- Jason Marsden, Executive Director of the Matthew Shepard Foundation

“The Matthew Shepard story is a tragic one that we were all affected by but only know through the lenses of the media. In the film, Josue brings dimension to Matt as a person, as a son, a brother and a friend. Seeing how Matt lived instead of just how he died amplifies the horrific events of Laramie, WY in 1998. It was a privilege to have Michele attend our screening. It was moving for her to share her personal story and answer questions from our audience.”

-- Ogilvy & Mather
